Monday, November 29, 2010
35? Is this what happens?
It just occurred to me that I have not been able to post since my birthday last week. I mean I actually feel as if I've nothing to say when really most of my posts don't have a purpose anyway. Maybe it has something to do with staying at my sisters? . I need a job, maybe that's it. I don't know what it is but it's something. Maybe it's the cold weather & having a cold? Hmmm...
Friday, November 26, 2010
no i am still not pregnant. it was the virus.
and just for the record i don't want to be pregnant.
so here is the picture of myself and crazybaby. as you can see, and as i did see, i do look pregnant. Truth be told i gained a lot of weight on my last boat and i just thought it was that. I also thought "fuck vanity, this is an amazing photo of two friends playing together. who cares if i look fat". Anyway what the severe bloating was (under the rolls i mean) was the onset of the virus attacking me. The one I got from cow? The one that turned into a bacterial blood infection? Yeah that one. I ignored the first stages of the virus because I thought it was gas. You know the really painful kind that feels like a knife? And vanity aside for this photo , it was still in check when I was rushed by ambulance to the hospital and was thinking to myself "oh my god i am going to emergency for farts". Anyway, it's all better now. And my hospital room was the best ever. I didn't want to leave. But I did, they discharged me into the night with raging floods and only my passports,a lighter and the pyjamas I'd been wearing for days. i am happy i had the lighter. oh and the meds. they saved my ass
so here is the picture of myself and crazybaby. as you can see, and as i did see, i do look pregnant. Truth be told i gained a lot of weight on my last boat and i just thought it was that. I also thought "fuck vanity, this is an amazing photo of two friends playing together. who cares if i look fat". Anyway what the severe bloating was (under the rolls i mean) was the onset of the virus attacking me. The one I got from cow? The one that turned into a bacterial blood infection? Yeah that one. I ignored the first stages of the virus because I thought it was gas. You know the really painful kind that feels like a knife? And vanity aside for this photo , it was still in check when I was rushed by ambulance to the hospital and was thinking to myself "oh my god i am going to emergency for farts". Anyway, it's all better now. And my hospital room was the best ever. I didn't want to leave. But I did, they discharged me into the night with raging floods and only my passports,a lighter and the pyjamas I'd been wearing for days. i am happy i had the lighter. oh and the meds. they saved my ass
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Monday, November 22, 2010
true confessions
i really really very badly want rhinoplasty. and i'm pretty sure that will be my next big expenditure. and it's not just to straighten out the kinks from the breaks
splish splash
the best part of the day was always going to be bath time. even though cutting 500kg of cane by hand (and 1 small scythe) was shed loads of fun it is all about the shower at the end of the day. they el's love love love their water. the mahouts love telling their el's to dunk us under the water. i took a lot of video for this but all you can hear is laughing and i'm shaking so much from laughing you can't see much. anyway, here are some pics
THE TWINS! learning how to swim but mostly just rolling around |
snorkel |
a crazy love affair with crazybaby (one word)
attempt to climb over the fence. more play time on this side |
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I blow in his trunk and he blows back. ridiculously cute. |
it was a mutual love and i've heard mothers say before - the time went by so quickly, i wish that he wouldn't grow up in a way. anyway, i will try to attach a video to this later but it was nearly impossible to get one of crazybaby because he is so crazy. super frisky at all times. i love him and i miss him.
more crazybaby after the jump
Sunday, November 21, 2010
it's in the ears
Crazybaby 5 months old. My obsession! |
Vanda 12 years old |
Noi age 47 years |
Old guy, don't know his name AGE 70 years! Check the wrinks on his shoulder/legs |
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
No fucking way
finally landed in a place that despite the torrential rain, has electricity and an ok wifi connection. But guess what ? Laptop didn't survive the flood. I am at the 9 DAY FASTING retreat. My mom suggested I dry it out with rice and I'm like what rice? There is no food here. nobody eating around these parts. can i dry it out with a colema board? oh well. still happy. pretty hungry though. this fasting is not boding well with my emotional eating.
follow me please,
stranger in a strange land
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Bragging rights revoked
Sorry about lack of posts. I was going to brag about how I only got 2 mosquito bites the whole time i hve been here but I ended up in emergency ward for 3 days having contracted a virus from cows (fucking cows!). It infected my blood and attacked my bones and muscles. the whole time i was in hospital a typhoon raged outside. I was oblivious to all but when I was discharged at night, in the dark, that was when I found out the place i was staying, and most everywhere, had water up to the waist. Most of the island is flooded and the devastation is unbelievable. I am trying to get off the island now but the planes and ferries are halted. I walked in the street where the water was a "good" level, shin height, and it literally tore my shoes apart and off my feet. electricity is intermittent and internet - well this is the first time in a week and i've walked miles to get to it. that's the latest. I'm not licking my wounds, it's great to be part of such an adventure. Just want the damn cow disease (what does that mean? is it mad cow? fitting...)to go. x
follow me please,
stranger in a strange land,
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Volunteer project in elephant village Thailand. Mahout mania
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Sawadee-kah, my name is Noi. |
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me knees, Noi's head taking me to the pond. |
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Noi is quite the curvy gal. Rounder than most. |
Yan and Noi |
true confessions
I am scared of cows. Thought it was just Irish cows but it seems to be an international issue. Side-eye and I am running into an electric fence. That's me done. Show me horns and I could probably cry.
It's all white on the night
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I'm a natural |
So as much as us Westerners obsess about getting that perfect bronzed tan, the Thai’s obsess with getting that perfect luminescent white skin (tradeja?). The first thing I noticed in the first 7-11 (the first of thousands I might add) I was in, were the rows of face cream and wash for both men and women with “whitening” agent. I even took a picture. This coming from a girl (me) who although I am far from girly I still have bronzer, summer glow body cream and other things to make me more brown. The irony isn’t lost on me. If that’s not the pot calling the kettle bronze I don’t know what is. Oh I am also told by people, Thai people , that Thais are obsessed with skinny-ness. But don’t they know that everyone looks slimmer with a tan??
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I have nothing to say about this. I still look pregnant. My two signature looks seem to be pregnant or man. lucky me. |
One Night In Bangkok
So I have arrived in Bangkok . I travelled with Emirates for the first time and though I had previously heard great reviews, for me it was hell – H E double hockey sticks. I have never felt so cramped into a space. Like a cat box. Fuck. My knees touched the seat in front and there was a box under the chair in front so where the heck was I supposed to put my legs? I am a pretty average 5’9” but the geezer next to me was at least 6’ and it was like an unusual game of twister at some points. Luckily he was about one hundred so we developed a knee share/stretch leg out routine – as you do. Oh it was also about minus twenty degrees so we all had blankets on and were using the plastic wrap as scarves – as you do? Had quite the layover in Dubai . What did I learn in Dubai ? I am probably not suited for Vegas. I felt like I just came off the farm. Flashing lights, loads of people, money money money! Not my cup of tea.
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First view from first stay in Thailand |
So I arrived in Bangkok , no mystery there. But there was a mysterious factor. 12 years ago I spent a fair bit of time in Japan. , enough to pick up the basics of the language and like many skills, if not kept in practice it tends to fade away. This past summer in fact the only words I could recall were iikura dessu-ka, which means “how much?” Quelle surprise right? So touch down Bngkok and what do you know the ENTIRE Japanese vocabulary comes back. Explain that one please? Even weirder, when I met the other girl on this volunteer trip she had the same experience. By “same” I mean she also lived in Japan 12 years ago, forgot everything, it all came back. We also both have huge feet. My ride back from the airport was with a guy from the volunteer group who didn’t speak a lick of English but his little girl’s mother is Japanese and there we were, chatting away, in Nihongo. The little girls name? Shalala. And it only gets better from there…
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First awesome meal with volunteer coordinators. Bottom right dish my new favourite thing. |
at last I have a camera,
stranger in a strange land
Monday, October 18, 2010
in the land of heffalumps
seriously no time to post right now but i made my way through bangkok and up to Surin through torrential floods (over waist deep). At the sanctuary now and did my first elephant bath today. An outstanding experience. They have really really really big poo and that's what I will be turning into paper tomorrow. More later. Will find a way to post dammit! Sorry for no comments lately, it has been a whirlwind since I left France. Soon I will have tons of pictures, I finally got a camera!!! and it's waterproof!!!
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
hard to say who was more embarrassed during this exchange
So on my last excursion in Barcelona my friend and I went for a stroll up Las Ramblas which is 1.2km long street bordered by the Gothic area on one side and the Raval area on the other. On the boulevard all the way along are kiosks selling whatever you can imagine, from flowers to magazines to bunnies and chicks. Tons of buskers too. I had been drinking wine on Friday night, as you do, and was in considerable pain on Saturday. As much as I love wine, and there is a whole lot of love there - I mean c'mon I live in France - it is not worth it because of the inescapable heartburn that accompanies it. Burn baby burn, sometimes I cave though and give into the consequences. Anyway, before I could tuck into my beer I had to go the pharmacy to get some heartburn stuff. The nice lady, who didn't speak a lick of English (if you can imagine i did charades to convey my message), sorted me out with some strong stuff and I took it to the counter to pay. Get to the till, and the nice lady there said to me "no can sell.". Points to my stomach and says "YOU HAVE BABY?" .
then there was a huge awkward silence after I said "no, i have lunch". Just enough time to break a nervous sweat and then I ran away (as you do when total strangers think you are pregnant and the last time you had sex was so long ago that any baby you could have had, would be toddler age by now)
Sunday, October 10, 2010
joining the ranks
joining the ranks of those that don't post on weekends. kicked my shoes off and watched these guys with a couple cold cans of beer.
Friday, October 8, 2010
question: if it's animal on different animal is it considered bestiality?
and yeah i know that's a weird question but my co-worker directed me to THIS and while everyone was laughing I was just thinking..what the fuck?!??? which lead me to the question: if it is animal on dead animal, is it necrophilia? just wondering.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
day five of captivity...
The head tormentor is hungry again. Have tried to sleep all day in solitary confinement. The captor and accomplices will perhaps assume I’ve gone overboard. They say things like “sick as a dog”. Yes dogs are sick but why are these units always asking for food at unheard of hours of the day? My night, their day, be sick already. Why eat in this state? Purposely overcooked the carcass tonight in hope that they would relent with the harassment. No such luck. Where are the other captives? Perhaps they have made it to their destination and have tasted that thing called freedom. They talked about that place a lot, why would they want to lick it? Am waiting for their signal to make my move. I can swim, it is only a matter of time…..
a lovely blog award is a lovely way to start the day
Yesterday I finished my watch at 0800. It was uneventful, the weather has been fine - smooth sailing really. Then I discovered I had bestowed upon me this:
which was awesome. Mynx at Dribble ( who I posted about a couple days ago). I am so flattered honoured and delighted that I don't even know what to say except THANK YOU! and so surprised am I, that my mostly sarcastic train of thought seems to be temporarily rendered speechless. that's a first.
If you go to Mynx's site you will see the other blogs she nominated. One is Annah's , Red Means Go which I have previously mentioned many a time. There is also Bouncin' Thru Life by Bouncin' Barb (best name ever!), that I just recently started reading, and a few more that I am not so familiar with but plan on checking out. And I just want to say thank you to Don who has been the source for some new friendships. Ta.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you - promo time
just thank you so very much to the original and new followers. Mynx at Dribble is right - readers comments really are the new crack so please feed my addiction. and if you go look at Annah's website you will see this awesome button on the side titled "Adventures of a Sailor Girl". Click on it, at her sight, to see (well I'll tell you right now, it will bring you right back here but pressing buttons is always fun)!
I like pervy Dan from The Danaconda a lot too. He is the yin to my current state of asexuality yang. Speaking of sexuality, Annah and Dan did the funniest collaboration on that very subject that you have to check out. Get ready to cry tears of laughter - He Says, She Says
As we are still on a passage I am still able to be the master (mistress?) of the remote. Tonights program is called "Big Trouble In Thailand". Really getting some good guidance under my belt for the upcoming trip. I definitely know what not to do. This show is terrifying. No wonder I don't watch t.v. It's so scary out there in the world.
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Art by Annah of Red Means Go who will too soon find Famosity! |
As we are still on a passage I am still able to be the master (mistress?) of the remote. Tonights program is called "Big Trouble In Thailand". Really getting some good guidance under my belt for the upcoming trip. I definitely know what not to do. This show is terrifying. No wonder I don't watch t.v. It's so scary out there in the world.
my blog is black because that's how i feel inside.
not really. it is pretty gloomy looking though isn't it? i think it's because i started this, and did nothing with it, when i was coming out of a pretty dark time. but i love black. my dad only wears black. since the early 80's or something. that is dedication (he's a mathematician. cannot. stop. simplifying.)
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my black bike "Geoffrey" |
Monday, October 4, 2010
is this a sign? glad i got insurance
more specifically, insurance that covers elephant trampling. it is a rare occasion when I sit down to watch tv. anyway today is one of those days because the crew mess is empty and everybody is down for the count (enjoy your seasickness suckers!). I have had it on the National Geo channel and so far there have been three programs about people getting trampled by elephants. hmmm...
Sunday, October 3, 2010
11 days from now I'll be on a flight to thailand. to shovel shit. literally.
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double rainbow = good omen |
I have had fair warnings from my caring and witty friends, in regard to my thai trip, about guys that are girls and people trying to get in your pants. All I have to say to that is -no thank you- to chicks or dicks or chicks with dicks. The only thing entering this body in the near or distant future is botox. And potentially a tube for colonics. More about that later. Not sure if I can hack fasting for 7 days. Food is my life.
Going on watch in few hours so have to catch some zzz's.
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i tried to take a pic of the goodbye sign at customs but i guess my phone decided to focus on the reefer typical.. |
Friday, October 1, 2010
true confessions
I can't believe I'm actually publicly admitting this, and am about to subject myself to huge mockery (Campbell). Alright, so Meatloaf's album Bat Out of Hell? It is on some heavy rotation in the galley. In fact when I go to the part in i-tunes where it says Top 25 Most Played? You guessed it.
oh and i seem to know all the lyrics too...
Thursday, September 30, 2010
pain in the ass
I cannot stand people who refuse to eat linguine instead of fettuccine. or spaghetti instead of linguine. get a fucking grip.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
funny foreign things
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i used to secretly want a tape worm |
the best part

really scary market thing after the jump!
Monday, September 27, 2010
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Saturday, September 25, 2010
funny foreign things
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just no |
Thursday, September 23, 2010
true confessions
I thought it was sarah palin pronounced pal. for example
me: hey want to be my pal?
potential new pal: Whatever, fuck you buddy
Just learned today it is pronounced pale-in.
me: i'm so fucking pale I'm dark white.
me: yeah i noticed.
i don't watch tv. that explains?
me: hey want to be my pal?
potential new pal: Whatever, fuck you buddy
Just learned today it is pronounced pale-in.
me: i'm so fucking pale I'm dark white.
me: yeah i noticed.
i don't watch tv. that explains?
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
full moon rising
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is that a real photo? I took it so i know it is but it looks like a pic of a painting. weird |
and maragarita too! note the stunning presentation by the stunning Michelle in a spice grinder with a salt rim. It's the little things, I think we can all agree on that. fuck yeah
someday soon i will own a camera,
tell it to me like i'm five - a recipe for veal lasagna
the owners of the yacht i am currently on just had two couples visit for about a week. they were the loveliest people. really personable, funny, approachable, and just good folk. the husbands of each couple both fell in love with this lasagna i made for them. i don't know how or why as from my angle i was just trying to put something together with the limited resources i had (frozen spinach and minced veal? of course). They then asked for the recipe. ummmmmmm ...what recipe? my cooking doesn't really have rules or guidelines. Needless to say they were so lovely that i tried to write it out for them. So here it is for you. I was also informed that they had never made a normal lasagna so tried to make it as clear as possible for them - hence the title Tell it TO Me Like I'm 5. which incidentally will be the name of the cookbook that i will probably never get around to writing. so there it is after the break. too big to have here and also since i don't have a picture of it, or the ingredients i have included a picture of Scoobs. He is a bichon frise from ireland that i trained when his owners didn't have time or enough experience to do it themselves. he was my sidekick for months. i am not the small fluffy dog type at all but he totally won me over. love him so much.
those are the fangs that ripped through my nostril, gave me septicemia and a scar for life. we were playing. puppy teeth are new and sharp |
someday soon i will own a camera,
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
the best part of my job is also the worst part
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you should have seen my face |
should have brought my own knives |
Me: oh my god. the tail is still on it
Michelle: well, you are the chef after all
Me: asshole
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that's not sunlight streaming in. That is god saying do not fling the baby's tail. |
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Let Them eat Cake
Red Means Go is the funniest website that I am reading right now. Anyway, it is Annah's six month blogge-versary today and if you have a spare moment to kill (of course you do, you're at work right?!) check out her hilarity and pursuit of Famosity. I happened to be making cupcakes this morning, went for my daily fix of humour (at her site. obv) , saw the festivities and decorated in her honour. I really miss making people sick with awesome sweet things & i also miss decorating cakes. That being said - it is bloody el-scorchio here, wherever i am, in montenegro. Icing nearly split and sprinkles melted in my hand. Doesn't matter..happy day Annah!
Salsify! and i don't mean the vegetable
despite what it looks like i am not balding, nor do i have a bad weave but i am leaning towards ginge.. |
I knew those Salsa Slim classes would pay off eventually!
Basically this:
plus this:
equalled a great night out, a whole lot of fun and getting flung around a room, salsa style, by some pretty smick bartenders. plus a big headache the next day. well worth it!
before? during? the rest are all afters... |
I am using the pic above as proof, that I, for once, was not the instigator
More tom-foolery after the jump!
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