if you are my grandparents and you are reading this blog i apologize in advance for the swearing

Monday, November 29, 2010

35? Is this what happens?

It just occurred to me that  I have not been able to post since my birthday last week. I mean I actually feel as if I've nothing to say when really most of my posts don't have a purpose anyway. Maybe it has something to do with staying at my sisters? . I need a job, maybe that's it. I don't know what it is but it's something. Maybe it's the cold weather & having a cold? Hmmm...


not displayed said...

Maybe you are still recovering. No need to stress. We will still be here when you want to say something

Annah said...

Take it easy...

The blog world is super slow during the holidays anyway darling. Enjoy your time off :)

BB said...

Just so you know, we love whatever you have to say. Doesn't matter what it is. That said, maybe you do need to just take a couple days to regroup and then hit us up with something funny like maybe a holiday themed story or something? Just throwing stuff out there. Either way...Hugs to you!

Mike Campbell said...

Hey Bennett,

Time to get writing again, methinks...

Unknown said...

I didn't know turning 35 meant falling off the face of the earth. More blogs please. Adventures with Chester?