if you are my grandparents and you are reading this blog i apologize in advance for the swearing

Friday, October 1, 2010

true confessions

I can't believe I'm actually publicly admitting this, and am about to subject myself to huge mockery (Campbell). Alright, so Meatloaf's album Bat Out of Hell? It is on some heavy rotation in the galley. In fact when I go to the part in i-tunes where it says Top 25 Most Played?   You guessed it.

oh and i seem to know all the lyrics too...


not displayed said...

Love, love, love this album. Have it on my iPod and I crank it up loud. Esp in the car and when I am cleaning the house. And I sing right along.

Unknown said...

mock, mock, mock

Ali B said...

i know pretty bad eh? and it has to be played REALLY LOUD! right Mynx? and why do I know all the lyrics? Because my mother had it on all the time when i was little! so there gillian!

BB said...

Hi Ali...Saw your sailor button and clicked it. Love what I've read so far. We saw the Master "Meatloaf" in 2007 and the guys work is genius. I'd be dancing and singing right along side you.

Ali B said...

Barb! how did i not see this til now? And on international leave a comment day to boot. I can't believe you saw him in person. I think he is an awesome actor too. I did a post at the beginning titled "paradise by the dashboard light" and it is a pic of myself and sister haven't a tequila fuelled sing along. I always get the boy part. always. x

Mike Campbell said...

Hey Bennett, have been remiss in getting to your blog so am just now reading the Meatloaf post/admission... I shan't mock you on this one because, somewhere in my record collection, I know for a fact I have the picture disc of this record, as well as the regular vinyl. I don't have the CD but "two out of three ain't bad" hahaha...