if you are my grandparents and you are reading this blog i apologize in advance for the swearing

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Let Them eat Cake

Red Means Go is the funniest website that I am reading right now. Anyway, it is Annah's six month blogge-versary today and if you have a spare moment to kill (of course you do, you're at work right?!) check out her hilarity and pursuit of Famosity. I happened to be making cupcakes this morning, went for my daily fix of humour (at her site. obv) , saw the festivities and decorated in her honour. I really miss making people sick with awesome sweet things & i also miss decorating cakes. That being said - it is bloody el-scorchio here, wherever i am, in montenegro. Icing nearly split and sprinkles melted in my hand. Doesn't matter..happy day Annah!


Annah said...

God that cupcakes looks delicious. MELTED AND ALL! I'm going to open the pics now :)

Ali B said...

thank you annah! i just saw your post re Dustin. what's hotter.. his collage or the melting cupcakes? hard to tell...